Make perfect plain white rice step by step. No need to use a cooker, you can use a pan or saucepan to make a perfect plain white rice. If you have ever burnt your rice or your hands while cooking rice, then you are not alone. I clearly remember when I cooked rice for the first time. it was a horrible experience. When I was back in college. one day I thought “Today I will cook plain white rice in mamma’s style and surprise her.” unfortunately while drawing the rice the hot water poured on my hands. I had burnt my hand. I kept calm and kept the pan on the stove and ran cool water over the burnt area and called my mamma. You can imagine mamma’s expression when she saw my hand! She had no sympathy and scolded me for cooking rice behind her back. This was my first lesson. If you cook for the first time, always do it guidance. After some time, mamma taught me how to cook perfect plain white rice. Now I will teach you how to perfectly cook plain white rice.
- Rice – 1 cup
- Lemon juice – ½ teaspoon
- Water – 4 cups
Take a wide, deep, and preferably transparent bowl and pour your one cup of rice in it. Pour water into the bowl and wash the rice. Drain the water into a bowl (Save this water to use for your plant). Again, add water to the rice and wash the rice. Repeat the process until the water has turned clear and the rice is devoid of any dirt. I will soak this rice 10 minutes, but most basmati rice brands would instruct you how much time would you soak the rice.
Heat water in a pan on high flame and bring it to a boil. Now to this boiling water you add lemon juice and stir well.
Now drain the excess water from rice and add to the hot water. Stir well and keep boiling. Allow the rice to cook and keep stirring in between.
Spoon out some rice and check the grain. The grain of rice should feel soft and tender. Remove the pan from the heat and carefully sieve it through a rice strainer. Transfer rice back to the same pan. This rice you can use for any kind of fried rice and Chinese fried rice.
Enjoy with your favorite dal or curry.